Pediatric Pelvic Health


Pelvic health spans all generations including our pediatric population. Physical therapy can provide the education, tools, and interventions to improve your child’s bladder and bowel health. Day time incontinence, bed wetting, dysfunctional voiding habits, and constipation are just a few examples of conditions that affect our children. These concerns can be addressed by our physical therapists in conjunction with standard medical care. At Inner Dynamics Physical Therapy, we have therapists that have undergone specific training for the pediatric population. The treatment for kids is non-invasive and can be quite fun! It begins with an extensive initial evaluation discussing past medical history all the way from birth, history of the current problem/concern and an examination addressing the musculoskeletal and neuro- muscular systems. Treatment involves the child and guardian(s) presence and input throughout the whole process. Interventions may include bladder and bowel education, behavioral modifications with toileting, positional changes, breathing techniques, soft tissue mobilization, increasing pelvic floor muscle awareness, stretching and strengthening of the appropriate musculature, and relaxation exercises. Each session will be composed of various activities that will be implemented into your new daily routine.

If from birth a child has issues with constipation, or is over 5 years of age and has problems with bed wetting, incontinence, feeling bladder fullness, or frequent urinary tract infections, they may benefit from care. There are many techniques we can work on together to improve you and your child’s quality of life as we know many of these conditions can greatly impact day to day function. In addition, if your child takes medication to help with bladder or bowel issues, therapy can assist with increasing effectiveness of their current treatment. We work very closely with your pediatric medical doctors when providing care.

For more questions regarding our services and conditions we treat, please call our Ocean office at 732-508-9926, or our Toms River office at 732-506-3471. You may view our frequently asked questions.