
Urinary or fecal incontinence can cause great discomfort. With aging, traumas, pregnancies and musculature changes, bladder or bowel leakage may be noted throughout your day to day activities. It does not have to be considered your norm! There are multiple strategies and interventions that can be performed in our office to address your symptoms. There are multiple types of incontinence, including stress incontinence, urge incontinence, mixed incontinence, functional incontinence, overflow incontinence and fecal incontinence.

  1. Stress incontinence occurs with increased abdominal pressure such as sneezing, laughing, coughing, bending, and lifting.
  2. Urge incontinence occurs when an urge to go to the bathroom can not be overcome resulting in incontinence.
  3. Mixed incontinence is typically a combination of stress and urge incontinence.
  4. Functional incontinence occurs when you are not functionally able to reach a bathroom when an urge to urinate emerges.
  5. Overflow incontinence occurs when the bladder overfills and can not store more urine at that time.
  6. Fecal incontinence occurs with decreased ability to control a bowel movement that may result in full loss or staining.

We will complete a thorough history and examination to assess your current symptoms in order to develop an individualized treatment plan to address your incontinence in order to help improve your quality of life. Our highly trained specialists will implore a plethora of interventions to meet your impairments to help with your symptoms!


A pelvic organ prolapse occurs when a pelvic organ has descended from its normal position within the pelvis. A prolapse can occur for various reasons and cause symptoms such as pressure or pain in your abdominal/pelvic region, urinary incontinence or frequency, difficulty emptying bladder or bowel, and so forth. Some examples of why a prolapse may occur include aging, pelvic floor weakness or tightness, pregnancy or increased abdominal pressure from lifting and/or coughing repetitively. Our team of highly trained pelvic physical therapists will identify which structures involved in order to reduce your symptoms. Common names you may hear from your referring physician can include:

  1. Cystocele or anterior wall prolapse
  2. Rectocele or posterior wall prolapse
  3.  Rectal prolapse
  4. Uterus prolapse

We will perform a general musculoskeletal exam, as well as, an internal exam to assess the integrity of the muscle tissue to develop an individualized treatment plan for your symptoms. We can also be in touch with any other health care providers involved in your plan of care, with your permission, in order to discuss any other options/interventions that may improve your overall outcomes.

For more questions regarding our services, please call our office at 732-508-9926 or you may view our frequently asked questions on our website.